Monday, August 6, 2012

I'm...... not over you

If you guessed this wish is about a break up, you are correct.
Well, this is the star. I hope I'll be able to get prettier star paper later, but I don't know where I can get some. I ordered some from ebay, but they will not get here until the 24ish. I got this star paper from an Asian festival.

This is the wish that the star contains.

I apologize for my bad handwriting. I really need this wish to come true. It's been exactly one year this day since he broke up with me and I'm still crying over it. Let me tell you about the last time I cried over him.

It was July 29th. My friend, her "boyfriend", and I just had a birthday dinner for my friend. We were in the back seat while her "boyfriend" drove. My head was stuck out the window and the music was blasting at like 9 at night. It was amazing. It was fun. It was one of my most favorite moments.
but what ruins it? Hanging out the window did. It's one of my favoritest things to do when I'm in a car. If you let me stick my head out the window, you become one of my favorite drivers, but it was ruined. With the good mood all around, my thoughts just happened to drift back to him. I didn't even know why. I never hung my head out the window of his car but anyway, back to the point.
I cried that night, while hanging out of the backseat window of my BEST FRIEND's "boyfriend"'s car. I don't know why. I just know that I did. I'm not the kind that wants people to know that I've cried, so i just play it off as the wind making my eyes dry but it was more than that. He was able to ruin a perfectly amazing night. Why do I still let him have influence over me like this? I don't know why and I don't care anymore.
My tears are wasted on him and I hope that I won't cry because of him anymore. And now, I place my star into the cup to join the rest of my wishes.

Thanks for reading.

Star Count: 3

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